If you have been awake during the first few weeks of the horrific Trump second administration, you know that despite what GOP apologists say, or what Republicans like Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick won’t say, everything we hold dear in our country is under attack. This is true of programs which help the poor, the sick, and the elderly. You should be angry, disgusted and horrified. But most importantly, you should be compelled to act.
And that is exactly what I heard from Jon “Bowser” Bauman who is president of the Social Security Works PAC, who is also a Vice Chair of the DNC Seniors Council. The Zoom call organized last month by the Pennsylvania Democratic Senior Leadership Council with help from the Nevada Democratic Senior Caucus and the Florida Senior Caucus was well attended and inspiring. Jon, who some of you aging boomers may remember from his days as the character “Bowser” in the band and TV show Sha Na Na, displayed the excellent characteristics of a leader during the meeting: optimism, hope, intelligence, compassion, and a call to action. Would that we have more such leaders in our government today!
The bad news is the oligarchs want to dismantle the programs which have served the poor, the sick, and the old so well for so many years. The good news is we have the power to stop them. There is strength in our numbers, in our cause, and in the truth.
Jon outlined five goals which must be uppermost in our dealings with all elected officials and the media:
– Support and expand Social Security
– Support and expand Medicare.
– Deny any cuts to Medicaid whatsoever.
– Continue efforts to lower drug prices.
– Always challenge the word ”entitlements” with respect to Social Security. Social Security consists of our earned benefits and as such, must not be raided, especially to provide tax cuts for the uber-rich.
You often hear from right-wing oligarch supporters that Social Security is collapsing and must be scrapped. The Social Security funds are not part of the federal budget so cutting it has nothing at all to reduce the federal deficit. On the contrary, it is totally fiscally sound (with over $2.9 trillion of taxpayer money) until 2034 when only 80 percent of our deserved money would be paid out. So yes, demographic shifts in the workforce do require action to restore 100 percent benefit payouts after 2034. And that action is simply to tax the rich. Folks who earn more than $176,100 now pay nothing into Social Security for the tons of money they earn over that amount. The fair recommendation is that folks earning over $400,000 should contribute to this fund which helps so many Americans in their old age.
But of course the right-wing politicians supported by the uber-rich spout proposals which would hurt the majority of Americans. They want to raise the retirement age to 67 (180 House Republicans recently voted for this) so that older Americans can work an extra two years to fund tax cuts for the rich. We must reject this with a resounding no. Call your Congressperson and Senators.
We must also reject any calls to privatize Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The phony claims that private industry would do things better and more efficiently have no data behind them, but simply ideology and the keen desire for the rich to profit off the sick and elderly. I am sure many of you have enjoyed hours on the telephone begging your private health insurance company for needed critical medical care at reasonable prices to no avail. I know I have.
While President Biden worked tirelessly to have Medicare negotiate lower drug prices for seniors with a cap of only $35 for insulin, one of the first acts of the oligarch-friendly phony “populist” in the White House was to rescind this hard fought victory for seniors who desperately need these drugs. I hope voters remember who truly is on their side in 2028.
Jon is confident that after Americans see what this ignorant cruel administration does to America the next 20 months that the Democrats will retake the House and provide a check to any more idiocy from the White House. There are even three upcoming special elections in New York (District 21) and Florida (Districts 1 and 6) that offer some hope of stopping the nonsense immediately. Jon is also hopeful for a Democratic president in 2028 who will be as wonderful to these programs as LBJ and Joe Biden were.
Jon also mentioned that many folks don’t know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid and may therefore be okay with slashes to Medicaid. (Amazingly, a few days later, the unqualified anti-vaccine fool RFK, Jr. nominated to head the Department of Health and Human Services failed to explain this difference in his Senate Confirmation hearing.) Medicaid is so important to all families who need to find ways to pay for long term care for their aging parents and grandparents. Cutting long term health care in nursing homes will have profound effects on the budgets of so many Americans. Medicaid must not be cut.
Jon warns folks not to overreact to imminent fears of the demise of or severe cuts to Social Security. Some are considering applying for Social Security at an earlier age due to fears it will not be there next year. His advice is to not let the oligarchs scare you into prematurely reducing your earned benefits. Your own financial situation and what is best for you should be the basis for this important decision.
READ: How Donald Trump’s Promises Will Become Betrayals
There is another great organization that fights tirelessly to preserve our shared social safety net: the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM). I have supported this advocacy group for years in their tireless quest to preserve what is best for all Americans. I hope you check out their website and support them if you can.
Here is another glimmer of hope for you. When the incompetent new administration tried to act on a foolish and cruel edict to implement a temporary pause of agency grant, loan and other financial assistance programs, suddenly the Medicaid portals shut down in all 50 states. The outcry was so loud and unanimous that the fools had to rescind their edict the next day. So yes, we have strength in our numbers and collective efforts which can and will prevail over the selfish greed of the oligarchs. Do not despair, but join others who will fight for creating a just and equitable society for us all.