Once you go through the process of applying for Social Security benefits, all you really need to do is wait until you get confirmation about next steps. When during the month you get paid depends on a couple of factors, like what day of the month you were born, how long you’ve been receiving benefits and whether or not you’re receiving both Social Security benefits and Supplemental Security Income.
Once you’re approved for benefits and you begin receiving payments, you should be all set — unless your monthly payment doesn’t arrive when you were expecting it. If you find yourself in this situation, then you’ve come to the right place.
Below, we’ll go over some of the most common reasons your Social Security check might be delayed and what you can do if your check is missing completely.
For more, don’t miss the Social Security payment schedule and how to apply for Supplemental Security Income.
Why your Social Security payment could be missing
If you think you’re missing a payment, first check that the Social Security payment schedule didn’t change for the month. For example, your payment dates may change if the third or first of the month falls on a weekend or holiday. If you’ve ruled out a temporary change in your payment date, check out some of the most common reasons below for why your payment may not hit your bank account.
Your Social Security benefits application hasn’t yet been processed
If you just applied for benefits, you’ll need to give the administration some time before you can expect to receive your first payment. After applying, you’ll receive a letter in the mail with your expected benefit start date. Just receiving this letter can take up to 30 days, so make sure you’ve accounted for this timeframe before moving forward.
The Social Security Administration said in 2024, over 80% of new applicants receive their first payment within two weeks of applying. Some report it can take 4 or 6 or even 12 weeks to receive that first check. If you’re in doubt, you can check the status of your benefits.
If you’ve applied for Social Security benefits but haven’t received a confirmation in the mail and it’s been more than 30 days, you can check the status of your benefits application online. Go to your My Social Security account — here’s how you can sign up for an account if you don’t have one yet.
Once you’re logged in, you can find information about your application, and see other information, including:
- Date of filing
- Current claim location
- Scheduled hearing date and time
- Incomplete applications
- Servicing office location
- Publications of interest, depending on the claim and current step in the process
You can also reach out to your local office.
Your banking information changed or you moved
If you move or change your banking information, the Social Security Administration won’t know about the change until you tell them, which could delay your payment. You’re required to report living situation changes to the SSA, so make sure to do that to stay in the administration’s good graces and not get your check delayed.
You did something to get your benefits suspended
You’re not guaranteed your Social Security benefits — you can lose them or have them suspended. For instance, if you’re receiving benefits and have a job, if you begin to earn more than the benefit limit, you may not receive a check. You can also temporarily lose your benefits if you’re in jail or prison for more than 30 days. Learn more about the ways you can lose your Social Security benefits.
The Social Security offices are experiencing delays
While potentially less likely, the Social Security office handling your benefits payment could run into an issue that could result in a delay of getting your check to you at the appropriate time. If you think this is the case, you can try reaching out to your local branch for more details.
How to report a missing payment
If you didn’t receive your payment on the expected payment date, first check with your bank to see if any pending payments could be on their way to your account. If this isn’t the case, then try reaching out to the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213 or by visiting your local office. From there, someone should be able to review your case and get you the information that could help identify why you didn’t receive your payment.
For more, don’t miss how to apply for Social Security benefits and how to apply for SSDI.